Deploy Docker images pushed to AWS Elastic Container Registry

Deploy Docker images pushed to AWS Elastic Container Registry

Using containers in AWS is very easy using ECS. When EKS arrives, there will be even more options for you to choose from. You create a cluster, task definitions and services and ECS figures our where to run your container on a EC2 instance. I even takes care of the Application Load Balancer. However, for deployment the options are quite limited. Of course you can control everything with CloudFormation or Terraform, but how does the automation work in practice? Code Pipeline supports the whole from Code to Deployment flow, but how do you deploy a new container when you get the image pushed to the AWS Elastic Container Registry and the source and creation of the image takes place somewhere else.


ecr-deploy is an AWS Lambda function which you can deploy into you AWS account. It’s basic function is to deploy you container to the ECS cluster if the image is pushed to ECR.

When you install ecr-deploy in your account it will automatically create an AWS CloudWatch Event Rule which will listen for PutImage API calls to ECR. Whenever you push an image using docker push, ECR will call this API get the data in the registry. The event includes all the information about the image, tag and even the manifest with all the layers.

    "version": "0",
    "id": "597eb076-4eb8-4d4b-b019-203b18a55cce",
    "detail-type": "AWS API Call via CloudTrail",
    "source": "aws.ecr",
    "account": "1234567890",
    "time": "2018-03-18T00:00:00Z",
    "region": "eu-west-1",
    "resources": [],
    "detail": {
        "eventVersion": "1.04",
        "userIdentity": {},
        "eventTime": "2018-03-18T00:00:00Z",
        "eventSource": "",
        "eventName": "PutImage",
        "awsRegion": "eu-west-1",
        "sourceIPAddress": "",
        "userAgent": "",
        "requestParameters": {
            "repositoryName": "busybox",
            "imageTag": "v1",
            "registryId": "123456789012",
            "imageManifest": "{}"
        "responseElements": {
            "image": {
                "repositoryName": "busybox",
                "imageManifest": "{}",
                "registryId": "123456789012",
                "imageId": {
                    "imageDigest": "sha256:eaa261b73dcc87f1a1880a6320a06867fcb6db77b4bb6139cf9b9059c9af95eb",
                    "imageTag": "v1"
        "requestID": "d99b47db-1b3c-11e8-a2b6-b1dd3cc73df2",
        "eventID": "04caef66-e52b-4c4d-bbb5-547b85fec1f8",
        "resources": [
                "ARN": "arn:aws:ecr:eu-west-1:123456789012:repository/busybox",
                "accountId": "123456789012"
        "eventType": "AwsApiCall"

When the event is triggered, CloudWatch will push it toward the Lambda function. The function is created in Python and will get the required information out of the event. It’s interested in the region, registry, image (repository) and tag.

First it will look for active task definitions which are referencing the image. A new version of those task definitions will be created with the new version tag.

Next it will look at active services which are referencing the task definitions. Those services will be updated with the new revision. ECS will take care of the deployment. When you specified a min capacity of 50% for your service it will perform a rolling deployment. When 100% is specified it will execute a blue/green deployment. The health checks will make sure that if a container instance fails during deployment, the previous revision of the task definition will be used.


If this sounds a good solution for deploying your containers in AWS ECS, then you most likely give it a try.

Install from AWS Serverless Application Repository

AWS recently introduced the Serverless Application Repository which contains all kind of different Lambda functions. I’ve pushed ecr-deploy to the repository. You can find the Lambda following the link. AWS Serverless Application Repository

You can deploy the Lambda to your account by clicking the Deploy button.

Please be aware that you have to change the Lambda’s execution role and attach the AmazonEC2ContainerServiceFullAccess policy. At the moment of writing it’s only possible to use policy templates with the repository and there is no template for ECS.

Install from Git Repository

ecr-deploy is build using Python and the AWS Serverless Application Model. This allows you to deploy the Lambda using the AWS CLI.

Clone the repository from GitHub and get the latest version.

git clone
cd ecr-deploy

Prepare the repository for deployment. Like I mentioned before, this Lambda is written using Python. You have to create a Virtual Environment using Virtualenv, active you console and install the required packages.

virtualenv -p python3 --no-site-packages --distribute .env && source .env/bin/activate && pip install -r requirements.txt

When you would like to deploy a Lambda you have to push it to an AWS S3 bucket first. You can easily do this using the AWS Command Line Interface.

aws s3 mb s3://your-aws-sam-bucket

Before deploying the Lambda you have to package it first. This will transform your SAM template file to a CloudFormation template and reference the created ZIP file which contains your code.

aws cloudformation package --template-file template.yml --output-template-file template-packaged.yml --s3-bucket your-aws-sam-bucket

Finally you can deploy the CloudFormation template which will create the required AWS resources and the Lambda.

aws cloudformation deploy --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM --template-file template-packaged.yml --stack-name <YOUR STACK NAME> --parameter-overrides Cluster=<YOUR CLUSTER>

Next steps

If you think that ecr-deploy solves the same problem you have when working with containers in AWS, please give it a try. If your use case is sightly different or your are experiencing problems with the Lambda function, please provide feedback in the GitHub repository or send me pull request.


Vincent Lesierse

Vincent is principle software architect and technology enthusiast who loves to code and works at Exact.

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